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供应Cyclone PRO编程器
供应Cyclone PRO编程器

供应Cyclone PRO编程器


Cyclone PRO





Hardware Debug Interface and Stand-Alone Programmer for HC08, HCS08, RS08, ColdFire V1, and HC(S)12(X)

P&E Multilink Cable硬件调试交互式转换接口和脱机烧写设备

* 支持飞思卡尔Freescale 68HC08, 68HCS08,68RS08,68 HC(S)12(X) ,ColdFire V1

* U*,串口和以太网口三种计算机接口(Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP)

* 将多个微处理器程序存入Cyclone PRO,方便多个程序烧写

* 液晶显示器在脱机使用时配合按键对Cyclone Pro设置和控制

* 作为计算机与微处理器交互式转换接口,用于微处理器程序在线调试,测试和烧写,起到传统意义飞思卡尔*器或*头的功能

* 脱离计算机单独烧写程序

* 计算机控制多机烧写,P&E提供一个可执行汇编程序及动态联接库

* 支持CodeWarriorCo*icIARP&E 飞思卡尔开发工具

* 随机软件:1.烧写软件 2.IP设置 3.程序存储 4.脱机烧写设置

注:P&E Micro Cyclone PRO适用于生产使用,P&E U* Multilink Cable U*-ML-MON08适用于开发使用。

P&E Microcomputer Systems' Cyclone PRO is an extremely flexible tool designed for in-circuit flash programming, debugging, and testing of Freescale HC08, HCS08, HC(S)12(X), ColdFire +, ColdFire V1, and RS08 microcontrollers.

By connecting to a simple BDM or MON08 header on the target, the Cyclone PRO can program, test, or debug internal memory on a Freescale processor or external flash connected to the processor's address/data bus. The processor or memory device can be mounted on the final printed circuit board before programming.

The Cyclone PRO may be operated interactively via Windows based programming applications as well as under batch or dll commands from a PC. Once loaded with data by a PC it can be disconnected and operated manually in a compley stand-alone mode via the LCD menu and control buttons. The Cyclone PRO has over 3Mbytes of non-volatile memory, which allows the onboard storage of multiple programming images. When connected to a PC for programming or loading it can communicate via the ethernet, U*, or serial interfaces.

The Cyclone PRO comes with intuitive configuration software, as well as easy to use automated control software. The Cyclone PRO also functions as a full-featured debug interface, and is supported by development software from P&E, Freescale, and many other third parties.




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